Origin Story of Readinganonymous

Hello Bookies!

How is everyone today? I hope this week is finding you all happy & healthy! I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you! My latest post got so much love and so many more people now follow my blog! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! It has given me such a boost and now I am determined to post on here everyday! Is there anything you guys want me to talk about on here? If so drop them in the comments!

Many of my followers on here and on Instagram have asked me, “How did you come up with your name?” And the answer to that is very simple. I didn’t. My boyfriend did.

Lets start at the beginning shall we?

Many moons ago, when I was a senior in High School I was assigned to make a layout of a website for some kind of company. I could pick whatever I wanted to do, so ironically I wanted to do a book blog. At the time I didn’t even know Bookstagram was a thing! I named the site Erin’s Book Club. So original I know. I had to make a Instagram, email, twitter, goodreads all this kinds of stuff! I didn’t know what to do with all those accounts so after the assignment was over I was like hey why don’t I post a few things? So I did and I felt silly so I stop and never really went back to it until last year when I went to Bookcon! I restarted up Erin’s Book Club and off we went. But I hated my name. It was just so silly. It was really erinsbookclub01. I saw all these cools fancy names so I knew I had to change mine. I set down to think of some but came up blank. My boyfriend on the other hand, knows me better than I do.

You see like all of you I am a reading addict. I read while eating breakfast, while walking, at the dinner table, I’ll stay up till midnight and wake up early just to read. My family would joke around and say I needed to go to readers anonymous because of how much I read. They considered it unhealthy. When I went to my boyfriend for name advice he simply said, “You read so much, why don’t you call yourself readinganonymous. Become a place where people can come and talk about books.” And it was like the heavens opened up. He was so right. I became readinganonymous!

So there is the little story about me and how I became to be! I hope you found this slightly entertaining and fun! Now I challenge you to do the same! Write a blog post, do a caption, or tell a friend! I want to know the back story behind everyone’s name! Use the hashtag readinganonymousoriginstory so I can see all your fun stories!

I look forward to reading all your stories! Make sure you follow me on Instagram! Have an amazing night!

Until Next Time!

Keep On Reading!


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